









ORCID  Google Scholar


2013-2018 加州大学洛杉矶分校,化学工程,博士

2009-2013 中南大学,冶金工程,学士


2024-至今 太阳成集团,特聘研究员

2018-2023 加州大学洛杉矶分校,博士后研究员







1. Yin, Q.; Liu, Q.; Liu, Y.; Qu, Z.; Sun, F.; Wang, C.; Yuan, X.; Li, Y.; Shen, L.*; Zhang, C*.; Lu, Y.*, General Fabrication of Robust Alloyed Metal Anodes for High-Performance Metal Batteries. Advanced Materials 2024, 2404689.

2. Yu, W. ; Shen, L.; Lu, X.; Han, J.; Geng, N.; Lai, C.; Xu, Q.; Peng, Y.*; Min, Y.* and Lu, Y.*, Novel Composite Separators Based on Heterometallic Metal-Organic Frameworks Improve the Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials 2023, 2204055.

3. Li, X.; Xu, P.; Tian, Y.; Fortini, A.; Choi, S. H.; Xu, J.; Tan, X.; Liu,X.; Chen, G.; Zhang, C.; Lu, X.; Jin, L.; Wang, Q.; Shen, L.*; Lu, Y.*, Electrolyte Modulators towards Polarization Mitigated Lithium-Ion Batteries for Sustainable Electric Transportation. Advanced Materials 2022, 34 (7), 2107787.

4. Xu, J.; Yin, Q.; Li, X.; Tan, X.; Liu, Q.; Lu, X.; Cao, B.; Yuan, X.; Li, Y.; Shen, L.*; Lu, Y.*; Spheres of Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes Embedding Silicon as Mechanically Resilient Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Nano Letters 2022, 22 (7), 3054–3061.

5. Tan, X.; Mo, R.; Xu, J.; Li, X.; Yin, Q.; Shen, L.*; Lu, Y.*, High Performance Sodium Ion Anodes Based on Sn4P3 Encapsulated within Amphiphilic Graphene Tubes. Advanced Energy Materials 2021, 12, 2102345.

6. Li, X.; Tian, Y.; Shen, L.*; Qu. Z.; Ma, T.; Sun. F.; Liu. X.; Zhang. C.; Shen. J.; Li. X.; Gao. L.; Xiao. S.; Liu. T.; Liu.Y.; Lu, Y.*, Electrolyte Interphase Built from Anionic Covalent Organic Frameworks for Lithium Dendrite Suppression. Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 2009718.

7. Li, F.; Tao, R.; Tan, X.; Xu, J.; Kong, D.; Shen, L.*; Mo, R.*; Li, J; Lu, Y*. Graphite-Embedded Lithium Iron Phosphate for High-Power–Energy Cathodes. Nano Letters 2021, 21, 6, 2572–2579.

8. Lu, X.; Wu, H.; Kong, D.; Li, X.; Shen, L.*; Lu, Y.*, Facilitating Lithium-Ion Conduction in Gel Polymer Electrolyte by Metal-Organic Frameworks. ACS Materials Letters 2020, 2(11), 1435-1441.

9. Shi, W.; Shen, J.; Shen, L.*; Hu, W.; Xu, P.; Baucom, J. A.; Ma, S.; Yang, S.; Chen, X.-M.; Lu, Y.*, Electrolyte Membranes with Biomimetic Lithium-Ion Channels. Nano Letters 2020, 20 (7), 5435-5442.

10. Zhang, C.; Shen, L.; Shen, J.; Liu, F.; Chen, G.; Tao, R.; Ma, S.; Peng, Y.; Lu, Y.*, Anion-Sorbent Composite Separators for High-Rate Lithium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Materials 2019, 31 (21), 1808338.

11. Shen, L.; Wu, H. B.; Liu, F.; Brosmer, J. L.; Shen, G.; Wang, X.; Zink, J. I.; Xiao, Q.; Cai, M.; Wang, G.*; Lu, Y.*; Dunn, B.*, Creating Lithium-Ion Electrolytes with Biomimetic Ionic Channels in Metal–Organic Frameworks. Advanced Materials 2018, 30 (23), 1707476.

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