Topic: Metamaterials in the Paradigm Change of Scientific Research
Lecturer: Zhou Ji (Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor at Tsinghua University)
Time: 18:25-20:15, November 29, 2022 (Tuesday)
ZOOM Meeting: 83677517797 (password: 331912)
Inviter: Professor Zhang Chi
About the Lecturer:

Zhou Ji,an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a professor at Tsinghua University. He received a doctor's degree in science from the Department of Chemistry of Peking University in 1991. Working concurrently as the director of the Academic Committee of the State Key Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine Processing of Tsinghua University, the director of the Metamaterials Branch of the Chinese Materials Research Society, and the president of the Beijing Society for Interdisciplinary Science, he has made outstanding contributions in the chemistry field of inorganic nonmetallic materials, with more than 400 academic papers and 3 academic monographs published, more than 60 authorized invention patents granted, and the National Natural Science Award (Second Prize/First Prize) and the State Technological Invention Award (Second Prize/First Prize) rewarded.
Lecture Profile
Metamaterials represent a category of novel materials that achieve extraordinary properties through artificial molecular structures and are expected to become the source of a range of transformative technologies. These materials differ radically from conventional materials in basic molecular structures, properties, and application methods, and the two have distinct advantages and disadvantages—conventional materials naturally sourced and accessible are difficult to be designed; metamaterials inaccessible in many cases are easy to be designed. This lecture will introduce the synthesis idea of mixing metamaterials with conventional materials, which preliminarily establishes the principle framework and chemical construction strategy of nonmetallic-based metamaterials by virtue of the abundant electromagnetic polarization mechanisms in the chemistry of nonmetallic materials, to develop solutions for high loss of metal metamaterials and opens up a new branch under the chemistry of metamaterials.