黄智鹏,工学博士,教授,博士生导师 |
0638太阳集团 |
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Web of Science Research ID:
K-1228-2014 (https://publons.com/wos-op/research/K-1228-2014) |
2018.04~2020.07: 0638太阳集团,教授(青年A岗)
2016.02~2018.04: 太阳成集团高等研究院,特聘研究员B岗
2009.10~2016.02: 江苏大学中澳功能分子材料国际联合研究中心,研究员
2007.10~2009.09: 德国马克斯·普朗克协会微结构物理研究所,博士后
2002.08~2007.07: 清华大学材料科学与工程系,攻读博士学位
1998.08~2002.07: 清华大学材料科学与工程系,攻读学士学位
1. 第三批中组部青年拔尖人才,2018年
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51772214),2018年
3. 江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划,2013年
4. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,2013年
5. 国家自然科学基金 (61006049),2011年
6. 江苏省六大人才高峰项目(2011-XCL-019),2011年
7. 教育部留学回国人员基金,2011年
8. 江苏省高校自然科学基金(10KJB430004),2010年
1. 上海市教育委员会科研创新计划项目,2017年
2. 科技部创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队,2014年
3. 江苏省创新团队,2013年
4. 科技部国际合作专项项目(2011DFG52970),2012年
5. 教育部“长江学者和创新团队发展计划”创新团队项目(IRT1064),2011年
6. 江苏省创新团队,2012年
7. 江苏省高校“青蓝工程”科技创新团队项目,2011年
1. 教育部自然科学一等奖,2015年,排名:2
2. 第六届中国侨界贡献(创新成果)奖,2016年,排名:2
3. 中国侨界贡献奖,2012年,排名:4
1. 黄智鹏、吴茵、朱静,硅和锗量子点阵列的制备方法,ZL200510011796.1
2. 黄智鹏、朱静,一种硅纳米线阵列的制备方法,ZL200610089728.1
3. 黄智鹏、吕存财,一种利用碳热反应制备磷化物和碳复合结构的方法,ZL201410306250.8
4. 黄智鹏、金立煌,一种磷化镍中空纳米微球的制备方法,ZL201610534905.6
5. 黄智鹏、夏瀚,一种钴基多级纳米复合结构电解水制氧催化剂及其制备方法,ZL201610539552.9
发表论文: 1-53
期刊论文: 109, 总被引次数: 6129, H-Index: 36
1. H. Li, S.Y. Chen, D. W. Boukhavalov, Z.Y. Yu, M.G. Humphrey, Z.P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Switching the Nonlinear Optical Absorption of Titanium Carbide MXene by Modulation of the Surface Terminations, ACS Nano, 2022, 16(1), 394-404
2. M.J. Diao,H. Li, X.Y. Gao, R.P. Hou, Q. Cheng, Z.Y. Yu, Z.P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Giant Nonlinear Optical Absorption of Ion-Intercalated Tin Disulfide Associated with Abundant In-Gap Defects, Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(49), 2106930
3. L. Yuan, S. Li, S. C. Xu, X. F. Yang, J. L. Bian, C. C. Lv, Z. Y. Yu, T. He, Z. P. Huang*, D. W. Bukhvalov*, C. W. Cheng, Y. Q. Huang, C. Zhang*, Modulation of Volmer step for efficient alkaline water splitting implemented by titanium oxide promoting surface reconstruction of cobalt carbonate hydroxide, Nano Energy, 2021, 82,105732.
4. S. M. Thalluri, L. C. Bai, C. C. Lv, Z. P. Huang*, X. L. Hu*, L. F. Liu*, Strategies for Semiconductor/Electrocatalyst Coupling toward Solar-Driven Water Splitting, Advanced Science, 2020, 7, 1902102.
5. L. L. Ji, C. C. Lv, Z. F. Chen*, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Nickel-Based (Photo)Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Production, Advanced Materials, 2018, 30, 1705653.
109. H. Li, S.Y. Chen, D. W. Boukhavalov, Z.Y. Yu, M.G. Humphrey, Z.P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Switching the Nonlinear Optical Absorption of Titanium Carbide MXene by Modulation of the Surface Terminations, ACS Nano, 2022, 16(1), 394-404
108. L. Yuan, D.W. Boukhvalov, C.C. Lv, J. Dong, T. He, Z.Y. Yu, W.J. Luo, C.W. Cheng, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Z.P. Huang*, TiO2-enhanced in situ electrochemical activation of Co3O4 for the alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10(26), 13769-13779
107 R.P. Hou, H. Li, M.J. Diao, Y.H. Sun, Y. Liang, Z.Y. Yu, Z.P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Fast electrochemical activation of the broadband saturable absorption of tungsten oxide nanoporous film, Nano Research, 2022, 15, 326-332.
106. J. Dong, C.C. Lv, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Z.P. Huang*,One-dimensional amorphous cobalt(II) metal-organic framework nanowire for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, 9(16), 4184-4193
105.C.N. Wu, H. Li, Y.H. Sun, R.P. Hou, Z.P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Oxidation-State-Dependent Nonlinear Absorption of Prussian Blue, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2022, 51, 249-258
104. L.L. Fu, J. Ye, H. Li, Z.P. Huang, M. G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Strong near-infrared and ultrafast femtosecond nonlinearities of a covalently-linked triply-fused porphyrin dimer-SWCNT nanohybrids, Nano Research, 2022, 15, 1355-1365.
103. Tianhui Wu, Xingxing Jiang, Chao Wu, Yilei Wu, Zheshuai Lin, Zhipeng Huang, Mark G Humphrey, Chi Zhang, Ultrawide Bandgap and Outstanding Second-Harmonic Generation Response by a Fluorine-Enrichment Strategy at a Transition-Metal Oxyfluoride Nonlinear Optical Material, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022, 61(26), e202203104
102. Chao Wu, Xingxing Jiang, Yilei Hu, Chunbo Jiang, Tianhui Wu, Zheshuai Lin, Zhipeng Huang, Mark G. Humphrey, Chi Zhang, A Lanthanum Ammonium Sulfate Double Salt with a Strong SHG Response and Wide Deep-UV Transparency, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022, 61(6), e202115855
2021 (77-101)
101. M.J. Diao,H. Li, X.Y. Gao, R.P. Hou, Q. Cheng, Z.Y. Yu, Z.P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Giant Nonlinear Optical Absorption of Ion-Intercalated Tin Disulfide Associated with Abundant In-Gap Defects, Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(49), 2106930
100. L. Yuan, S. Li, S. C. Xu, X. F. Yang, J. L. Bian, C. C. Lv, Z. Y. Yu, T. He, Z. P. Huang*, D. W. Bukhvalov*, C. W. Cheng, Y. Q. Huang, C. Zhang*, Modulation of Volmer step for efficient alkaline water splitting implemented by titanium oxide promoting surface reconstruction of cobalt carbonate hydroxide, Nano Energy, 2021, 82,105732.
99. Y.H. Sun, H. Li, X.Y. Gao, Z.Y. Yu, Z.P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Superb Nonlinear Absorption of Triphenylene-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks Associated with Abundant Metal d Electrons, Advanced Optical Materials, 2021, 9(17), 2100622.
98. R. P. Hou, H. Li, Y. H. Sun, M. J. Diao, Y. Liang, Z. P. Huang*, J. Wang, M. G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Electrical Tuning of the Fifth-Order Optical Nonlinearity of Antimony-Doped Tin Oxide, Advanced Optical Materials, 2021, 9(2), 2001357.
97. H. Li, R.P. Hou, Y.H. Sun, M.J. Diao, Y. Liang, X. Chen, Z.P. Huang*, J. Wang, M.G. Humphrey, Z.Y. Yu, C. Zhang*, Switching the Nonparametric Optical Nonlinearity of Tungsten Oxide by Electrical Modulation, Advanced Optical Materials, 2021, 9(12), 2002188.
96. M. J. Diao, H. Li, Y. H. Sun, Y. Liang, Z. Y. Yu, D. W. Bukhvalov, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Enhancing reverse saturable absorption in SnS2 nanosheets by Plasma Treatment, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 2021, 13(3), 4211-4219.
95. X.Y. Gao, Y.H. Li, H. Li, J. Dong, Z.P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Electrochemical modulation enhancing the saturation absorption of polyaniline, Optical Materials, 2021, 118, 111272.
94. Cuncai Lv, Qianpeng Yang, Shichen Xu, Ling Yuan, Zhipeng Huang*, Zhouhong Ren, Jun Luo, Shufang Wang, Chi Zhang*, The in situ removal of surface molybdenum oxide for making binder-free porous Mo1.98C1.02 film a more efficient electrocatalyst for alkaline rather than acidic hydrogen production, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2021, 5(3), 3373-3381.
93. C. Wu, X.X. Jiang, L. Lin, W.Y. Dan, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Blue Strong SHG Responses in a Beryllium-Free Deep-UV-Transparent Hydroxyborate via Covalent Bond Modification, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60(52), 27151-27157
92. C. Wu, X.X. Jiang, Z.J. Wang, H.Y. Sha, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, X.F. Long, M.G. Humphrey, C.Zhang*, UV Solar-Blind-Region Phase-Matchable Optical Nonlinearity and Anisotropy in a pi-Conjugated Cation-Containing Phosphate, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60(27), 14806-14810.
91. C. Wu, T.H. Wu, X.X. Jiang, Z.J. Wang, H.Y. Sha, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, X.F. Long, M.G. Humphrey, C.Zhang*, Large Second-Harmonic Response and Giant Birefringence of CeF2(SO4) Induced by Highly Polarizable Polyhedra, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143, 11, 4138-4142.
90. C. Wu, X.X Jiang, L. Lin, T.H. Wu, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, In situ hydrothermal synthesis of polar second-order nonlinear optical selenate Na5(SeO4)(HSeO4)3(H2O)2, Inorganic Chemistry, Frontiers, 2021, 8, 3141-3148.
89. C. Wu, L. Lin, T.H. Wu, Z.P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Deep-ultraviolet transparent alkali metal-rare earth metal sulfate NaY(SO4)2·H2O as a nonlinear optical crystal: synthesis and characterization, CrystEngComm, 2021, 23, 2945-2951.
88. Q.K. Xu, X.X. Jiang, C. Wu, L. Lin, Z.P. Huang, Z.S. Lin, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Rb3In(SO4)3: a defluorinated mixed main-group metal sulfate for ultraviolet transparent nonlinear optical materials with a large optical band gap dagger, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9, 5124-5131.
87. G. Yang, X.X. Jiang, C. Wu, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang, Facile syntheses of silver thioantimonates exhibiting second-harmonic generation responses and large birefringence, Dalton Transactions, 2021, 50, 3568-3576.
86. Y.W. Lu, X.X. Jiang, C. Wu, L. Lin, Z.P. Huang, Z.S. Lin, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Molecular Engineering toward an Enlarged Optical Band Gap in a Bismuth Sulfate via Homovalent Cation Substitution, Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, 60(8), 5851-5859
85. C. Wu, L. Lin, T.H. Wu, Z.P. Huang, C. Zhang*, Second-order nonlinear optical property of the ultraviolet transparent alkali metal-rare earth metal carbonate Na3Y(CO3)3·3H2O, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2021, 298, 122095.
84. L. Lin, X.X. Jiang, C. Wu, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang*, M. G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, First chiral fluorinated lead vanadate selenite Pb2(V2O4F)(VO2)(SeO3)3 with five asymmetric motifs and large optical properties, Dalton Transactions, 2021, 50, 7238
83. C. Wu, L. Lin, T.H., Wu, W.Y., Dan, Z.P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Solvothermal Syntheses of Three-Dimensional Open-Framework Thioantimonates Displaying Nonlinear Optical Responses, Crystal Growth & Design, 2021, 21(8), 4757-4764.
82. Yilei Hu, Xingxing Jiang, Chao Wu, Zhipeng Huang*, Zheshuai Lin, Mark G. Humphrey, Chi Zhang*, A2MoO2F3(IO2F2) (A = Rb, Cs): Strong Nonlinear Optical Responses and Enlarged Band Gaps through Fluorine Incorporation, Chemistry of Materials, 2021, 33(14), 5700-5708
81. Chao Wu, Xingxing Jiang, Lin Lin, Yilei Hu, Tianhui Wu, Zheshuai Lin, Zhipeng Huang*, Mark G. Humphrey, Chi Zhang*, A Congruent-Melting Mid-Infrared Nonlinear Optical Vanadate Exhibiting Strong Second-Harmonic Generation, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60(41), 22447-22453.
80. Lin Lin, Xingxing Jiang, Chao Wu, Zheshuai Lin, Zhipeng Huang*, Mark G. Humphrey, Chi Zhang*, CsZrF4(IO3): The First Polar Zirconium Iodate with cis-[ZrO2F6] Polyhedra Inducing Optimized Balance of Large Band Gap and Second Harmonic Generation, Chemistry of Materials, 2021, 33(14), 5555-5562.
79. Yilei Hu, Chao Wu, Xingxing Jiang, Zujian Wang, Zhipeng Huang, Zheshuai Lin, Xifa Long, Mark G. Humphrey, Chi Zhang, Giant Second-Harmonic Generation Response and Large Band Gap in the Partially Fluorinated Mid-Infrared Oxide RbTeMo2O8F, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143(32), 12455-12459
78. Tianhui Wu, Xingxing Jiang, Yiran Zhang, Zujian Wang, Hongyuan Sha, Chao Wu, Zheshuai Lin, Zhipeng Huang, Xingfa Long, Mark G Humphrey, Chi Zhang, From CeF2(SO4)·H2O to Ce(IO3)2(SO4): Defluorinated Homovalent Substitution for Strong Second-Harmonic-Generation Effect and Sufficient Birefringence, Chemistry of Materials, 2021, 33(23), 9317-9325.
77. Tianhui Wu, Xingxing Jiang, Chao Wu, Hongyuan Sha, Zujian Wang, Zheshuai Lin, Zhipeng Huang, Xingfa Long, Mark G. Humphrey, Chi Zhang, From Ce(IO3)4 to CeF2(IO3)2: fluorinated homovalent substitution simultaneously enhances SHG response and bandgap for mid-infrared nonlinear optics, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9(28), 8987-8993.
2020 (66-76)
76. C. C. Lv, R. N. Wang, X. B. Wang, L. J. Gao, S. F. Wang*, X. K. Ning, Y. G. Li, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Triple Functions of Ni(OH)2 on the Surface of WN Nanowires Remarkably Promoting Electrocatalytic Activity in Full Water splitting, ACS Catalysis, 2020, 10, 13323–13333.
75. S. M. Thalluri, L. C. Bai, C. C. Lv, Z. P. Huang*, X. L. Hu*, L. F. Liu*, Strategies for Semiconductor/Electrocatalyst Coupling toward Solar-Driven Water Splitting, Advanced Science, 2020, 7, 1902102 .
74. Y. H. Sun, H. Li, R. P. Hou, M. J. Diao, Y. Liang, Z. P. Huang*, M. G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Realizing Saturable Absorption and Reverse Saturable Absorption in a PEDOT:PSS Film via Electrical Modulation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(43), 48982-48990.
73. M. J. Diao, H. Li, R. P. Hou, Y. Liang, J. Wang, Z. S. Luo, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Vertical Heterostructure of SnS-MoS2 Synthesized by Sulfur-Preloaded Chemical Vapor Deposition, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 7423-7431.
72. L. Lin, X.X. Jiang, C. Wu*, L.H. Li, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Ba(MoO2F)2(XO3)2 (X = Se, Te): First Cases of Noncentrosymmetric Fluorinated Molybdenum-Oxide Selenite/Tellurite Through Unary Substitution for Enlarging Band Gap and Second Harmonic Generation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 49812–49821.
71. C. Wu, X.X. Jiang, Z.J. Wang, L. Lin, Z.S. Lin, Z.P. Huang, X.F. Long, M.G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Giant Optical Anisotropy in the UV-Transparent 2D Nonlinear Optical Material Sc(IO3)2(NO3), Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2020, 61, 3464-3469.
70. C. Wu, L. H. Li, L. Lin, Z. P. Huang, M. G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Gd(NO3)(Se2O5) 3H2O: a nitrate-selenite nonlinear optical material with a short ultraviolet cutoff edge, Dalton Transactions, 2020, 49, 3253-3259.
69. C. Wu, L. H. Li, L. Lin, Z. P. Huang, M. G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Enhancement of Second-Order Optical Nonlinearity in a Lutetium Selenite by Monodentate Anion Partial Substitution, Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 32, 3043-3053.
68. C. Wu, X. X. Jiang, L. Lin*, Z. S. Lin, Z. P. Huang, M. G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, AGa3F6(SeO3)2 (A = Rb, Cs): A New Type of Phase-Matchable Hexagonal Tungsten Oxide Material with Strong Second-Harmonic Generation Responses, Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 32, 6906-6915.
67. T. Y. Wang, C. Wu*, L. Lin, Z. P. Huang, M. G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Synthesis, crystal structures and optical properties of open-framework gallium phosphates: NaGa3F4(PO4)2(H2O)2 and AGa2P2O7(OH)3H2O (A = K, Rb), Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2020, 288, 121412.
66. L. Lin, L. H. Li, C. Wu, Z. P. Huang, M. G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Incorporating rare-earth cations with moderate electropositivity into iodates for the optimized second-order nonlinear optical performance, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2020, 7, 2736-2746.
2019 (59-65)
65. S. C. Xu, C. C. Lv, T. He, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Amorphous film of cerium doped cobalt oxide as a highly efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 7526-7532.
64. C. C. Lv, S. C. Xu, Q. P. Yang, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Promoting electrocatalytic activity of cobalt cyclotetraphosphate in full water splitting by titanium-oxide-accelerated surface reconstruction, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 12457-12467.
63. Y. Liang, H. Li, R. P. Hou, J. Wang, K. Wang, M. K. Ge, J. Luo, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Vertical Stacking of Copper Sulfide Nanoparticles and Molybdenum Sulfide Nanosheets for Enhanced Nonlinear Absorption, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 35835-35844.
62. G. Fang, J. H. Cai, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang, One-step electrodeposition of cerium-doped nickel hydroxide nanosheets for effective oxygen generation, RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 17891-17896.
61. J. H. Cai, J. G. Huang, S. C. Xu, L. Yuan, X. R. Huang, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang, Nickel iron carbonate hydroxide hydrate decorated with CeOx for highly efficient oxygen evolution reaction, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2019, 23, 3449-3458.
60 H. Li, Z. P. Huang, Y. F. Xie, X. Chen, J. Wang, L. Zhang*, C. Zhang, Ultrafast nonlinear optical response of molybdenum nano-film in wide wavelength range, Optical Materials, 2019, 95, 109244.
59. C. Wu, L. Lin, X. X. Jiang, Z. S. Lin, Z. P. Huang, M. G. Humphrey, P. S. Halasyamani, C. Zhang*, K5(W3O9F4)(IO3): An Efficient Mid-Infrared Nonlinear Optical Compound with High Laser Damage Threshold, Chemistry of Materials, 2019, 31, 10100-10108.
2018 (53-58)
58. Q. P. Yang, C. C. Lv, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Amorphous film of ternary Ni-Co-P alloy on Ni foam for efficient hydrogen evolution by electroless deposition, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43, 7872-7880.
57. C. C. Lv, Z. P. Huang*, Q. P. Yang, C. Zhang*, Nanocomposite of MoO2 and MoC loaded on porous carbon as an efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2018, 5, 446-453.
56. C. C. Lv, Z. P. Huang*, Q. P. Yang, C. Zhang*, Few-layer tiny nanoflakes of molybdenum sulfide loaded on porous carbon as an efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen generation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 750, 927-934.
55. C. C. Lv, Z. P. Huang*, Q. P. Yang, C. Zhang*, W-Doped MoO2/MoC Hybrids Encapsulated by P-Doped Carbon Shells for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution, Energy Technology, 2018, 6, 1707-1714.
54. H. Li, S. C. Xu, Z. P. Huang*, J. W. Huang, J. Wang, L. Zhang, C. Zhang*, Facet- dependent nonlinear optical properties of bismuth oxychloride single- crystal nanosheets, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018, 6, 8709-8716.
53. L. L. Ji, C. C. Lv, Z. F. Chen*, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Nickel-Based (Photo)Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Production, Advanced Materials, 2018, 30, 1705653.
2017 (49-52)
52. H. Xia, Z. P. Huang*, C. C. Lv, C. Zhang*, A Self-Supported Porous Hierarchical Core Shell Nanostructure of Cobalt Oxide for Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction, ACS Catalysis, 2017, 7, 8205-8213.
51. C. C. Lv, Z. P. Huang*, Q. P. Yang, G. F. Wei, Z. F. Chen, M. G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Ultrafast synthesis of molybdenum carbide nanoparticles for efficient hydrogen generation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 22805-22812.
50. J. H. Hao, W. S. Yang, Z. Peng, C. Zhang*, Z. P. Huang*, W. D. Shi*, A Nitrogen Doping Method for CoS2 Electrocatalysts with Enhanced Water Oxidation Performance, ACS Catalysis, 2017, 7, 4214-4220.
49. J. H. Hao, W. S. Yang, J. W. Hou, B. D. Mao, Z. P. Huang, W. D. Shi*, Nitrogen doped NiS2 nanoarrays with enhanced electrocatalytic activity for water oxidation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 17811-17816.
2016 (38-48)
48. Y. X. Zhao, C. C. Lv, Q. L. Huang, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Self-supported tungsten/tungsten dioxide nanowires array as an efficient electrocatalyst in the hydrogen evolution reaction, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 89815-89820.
47. H. Xia, Z. Peng*, L. V. Cuncai, Y. X. Zhao, J. H. Hao, Z. P. Huang*, Self-supported porous Cobalt Oxide Nanowires with enhanced Electrocatalytic performance toward Oxygen evolution reaction, Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2016, 128, 1879-1885.
46. J. Wang, H. Xia, Z. Peng, C. C. Lv, L. H. Jin, Y. X. Zhao, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Graphene Porous Foam Loaded with Molybdenum Carbide Nanoparticulate Electrocatalyst for Effective Hydrogen Generation, Chemsuschem, 2016, 9, 855-862.
45. C. C. Lv, Q. P. Yang, Q. L. Huang, Z. P. Huang*, H. Xia, C. Zhang*, Phosphorus doped single wall carbon nanotubes loaded with nanoparticles of iron phosphide and iron carbide for efficient hydrogen evolution, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 13336-13343.
44. C. C. Lv, J. Wang, Q. L. Huang, Q. P. Yang, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Facile synthesis of hollow carbon microspheres embedded with molybdenum carbide nanoparticles as an efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen generation, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 75870-75874.
43. C. C. Lv, Z. Peng, Y. X. Zhao, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, The hierarchical nanowires array of iron phosphide integrated on a carbon fiber paper as an effective electrocatalyst for hydrogen generation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 1454-1460.
42. L. H. Jin, H. Xia, Z. P. Huang*, C. C. Lv, J. Wang, M. G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Phase separation synthesis of trinickel monophosphide porous hollow nanospheres for efficient hydrogen evolution, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 10925-10932.
41. J. H. Hao, W. S. Yang, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Superhydrophilic and Superaerophobic Copper Phosphide Microsheets for Efficient Electrocatalytic Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2016, 3, 1600236.
40. A. J. Wang, W. Yu, Z. P. Huang, F. Zhou, J. B. Song, Y. L. Song, L. L. Long, M. P. Cifuentes, M. G. Humphrey, L. Zhang, J. D. Shao, C. Zhang*, Covalent functionalization of reduced graphene oxide with porphyrin by means of diazonium chemistry for nonlinear optical performance, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 23325.
39. A. J. Wang, Y. Wang, W. Yu, Z. P. Huang, Y. Fang, L. L. Long, Y. L. Song, M. P. Cifuentes, M. G. Humphrey, L. Zhang, J. D. Shao, C. Zhang*, TiO2-multi-walled carbon nanotube nanocomposites: hydrothermal synthesis and temporally-dependent optical properties, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 20120-20127.
38. A. J. Wang, J. B. Song, Z. P. Huang, Y. L. Song, W. Yu, H. L. Dong, W. P. Hu, M. P. Cifuentes, M. G. Humphrey, L. Zhang, J. D. Shao, C. Zhang*, Multi-walled carbon nanotubes covalently functionalized by axially coordinated metal-porphyrins: Facile syntheses and temporally dependent optical performance, Nano Research, 2016, 9, 458-472.
Before 2016 (1~37)
37. C. C. Lv, Z. B. Chen, Z. Z. Chen, B. Zhang, Y. Qin, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang*, Silicon nanowires loaded with iron phosphide for effective solar-driven hydrogen production, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 17669-17675.
36. Z. P. Huang*, C. C. Lv, Z. Z. Chen, Z. B. Chen, F. Tian, C. Zhang*, One-pot synthesis of diiron phosphide/nitrogen-doped graphene nanocomposite for effective hydrogen generation, Nano Energy, 2015, 12, 666-674.
35. Z. P. Huang*, C. F. Wang, Z. B. Chen, H. Meng, C. C. Lv, Z. Z. Chen, R. Q. Han, C. Zhang*, Tungsten Sulfide Enhancing Solar-Driven Hydrogen Production from Silicon Nanowires, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 10408-10414.
34. Z. P. Huang*, M. Y. Li, D. Jia, P. Zhong, F. Tian, Z. Z. Chen, M. G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, A facile approach to hetero-nanorods of Ag2Se-MSe (M = Cd, Zn) with enhanced third-order optical nonlinearity, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2014, 2, 1418-1426.
33. H. Han, Z.P. Huang*, W. Lee*, Metal-assisted chemical etching of silicon and nanotechnology applications, Nano Today, 2014, 9(3), 271-304.
32. Z. P. Huang*, Z. Z. Chen, Z. B. Chen, C. C. Lv, M. G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Cobalt phosphide nanorods as an efficient electrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction, Nano Energy, 2014, 9, 373-382.
31. Z. P. Huang*, Z. B. Chen, Z. Z. Chen, C. C. Lv, H. Meng, C. Zhang*, Ni12P5 Nanoparticles as an Efficient Catalyst for Hydrogen Generation via Electrolysis and Photoelectrolysis, ACS Nano, 2014, 8, 8121-8129.
30. Z. P. Huang*, P. Zhong, C. F. Wang, X. X. Zhang, C. Zhang*, Silicon Nanowires/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composites for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Properties, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5, 1961-1966.
29. Z. P. Huang*, C. F. Wang, L. Pan, F. Tian, X. X. Zhang, C. Zhang*, Enhanced photoelectrochemical hydrogen production using silicon nanowires@MoS3, Nano Energy, 2013, 2, 1337-1346.
28. Z. P. Huang*, L. Pan, P. Zhong, M. Y. Li, F. Tian, C. Zhang*, Facile Low-Temperature Synthesis of Ultralong Monodisperse ZnSe Quantum Wires with the Assistance of Ag2S, Chemistry-a European Journal, 2013, 19, 1732-1739.
27. J. L. Wang, C. M. Yang, Z. P. Huang, M. G. Humphrey, D. Jia, T. T. You, K. M. Chen, Q. Yang, C. Zhang*, Seed-catalyzed heteroepitaxial growth and nonlinear optical properties of zinc selenide nanowires, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 10009-10014.
26. F. Tian*, Z. P. Huang, L. Whitmore, Fabrication and magnetic properties of Ni nanowire arrays with ultrahigh axial squareness, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012, 14, 8537-8541.
25. M. Y. Li, R. X. Wang, P. Zhong, X. K. Li, Z. P. Huang*, C. Zhang, Ag-TiO2-Ag core-shell-satellite nanowires: Facile synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic activities, Materials Letters, 2012, 80, 138-140.
24. J. H. Li, S. C. Meng, J. F. Zhang, Y. L. Song, Z. P. Huang, H. J. Zhao, H. Y. Wei, W. J. Huang, M. P. Cifuentes, M. G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Solvent-induced syntheses of 2D/3D [AgSCN]n-based supramolecular isomers with unusual topologies: structural, theoretical and nonlinear optical studies, Crystengcomm, 2012, 14, 2787-2796.
23. Z. P. Huang*, P. Zhong, M. Y. Li, F. Tian, C. Zhang*, A facile one-step approach to obtaining uniform matchstick-like Ag2S-CdS nanoheterostructures, Nanotechnology, 2012, 23, 335604.
22. Z. P. Huang*, R. X. Wang, D. Jia, L. Maoying, M. G. Humphrey, C. Zhang*, Low-Cost, Large-Scale, and Facile Production of Si Nanowires Exhibiting Enhanced Third-Order Optical Nonlinearity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2012, 4, 1553-1559.
21. N. Geyer*, B. Fuhrmann, Z. P. Huang, J. de Boor, H. S. Leipner, P. Werner, Model for the Mass Transport during Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching with Contiguous Metal Films As Catalysts, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 13446-13451.
20. D. A. Wang, L. F. Liu*, Y. Kim*, Z. P. Huang, D. Pantel, D. Hesse, M. Alexe, Fabrication and characterization of extended arrays of Ag2S/Ag nanodot resistive switches, Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 98, 234019.
19. L. F. Liu*, Z. P. Huang, D. A. Wang, R. Scholz, E. Pippel, The fabrication of nanoporous Pt-based multimetallic alloy nanowires and their improved electrochemical durability, Nanotechnology, 2011, 22, 105604.
18. Z. P. Huang*, L. F. Liu, N. Geyer, Quasi-radial growth of metal tube on Si nanowires template, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2011, 6, 165.
17. Z. P. Huang*, N. Geyer*, P. Werner, J. de Boor, U. Gosele, Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching of Silicon: A Review, Advanced Materials, 2011, 23, 285-308.
16. Y. Yang*, R. B. Yang, H. J. Fan, R. Scholz, Z. P. Huang, A. Berger, Y. Qin, M. Knez, U. Gosele, Diffusion-Facilitated Fabrication of Gold-Decorated Zn2SiO4 Nanotubes by a One-Step Solid-State Reaction, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2010, 49, 1442-1446.
15. Z. P. Huang*, T. Shimizu, S. Senz, Z. Zhang, N. Geyer, U. Gosele*, Oxidation Rate Effect on the Direction of Metal-Assisted Chemical and Electrochemical Etching of Silicon, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114, 10683-10690.
14. Z. P. Huang*, N. Geyer, L. F. Liu, M. Y. Li, P. Zhong, Metal-assisted electrochemical etching of silicon, Nanotechnology, 2010, 21, 465301.
13. J. Zhao, Z. P. Huang, J. Zhu*, A luminescence enhancement approach through Si/O nanostructure, Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 2009, 52, 1171-1175.
12. Z. P. Huang* T. Shimizu, S. Senz, Z. Zhang, X. X. Zhang, W. Lee, N. Geyer, U. Gosele* Ordered Arrays of Vertically Aligned 110 Silicon Nanowires by Suppressing the Crystallographically Preferred Etching Directions, Nano Letters, 2009, 9, 2519-2525.
11. N. Geyer# Z. P. Huang# B. Fuhrmann, S. Grimm, M. Reiche, T. K. Nguyen-Duc, J. de Boor, H. S. Leipner, P. Werner, U. Gosele* Sub-20 nm Si/Ge Superlattice Nanowires by Metal-Assisted Etching, Nano Letters, 2009, 9, 3106-3110.
10. Z. P. Huang, X. X. Zhang, M. Reiche, L. F. Liu, W. Lee, T. Shimizu, S. Senz, U. Gosele* Extended arrays of vertically aligned sub-10 nm diameter 100 Si nanowires by metal-assisted chemical etching, Nano Letters, 2008, 8, 3046-3051.
9. J. Luo, J. Zhu* Z. P. Huang, L. Zhang, Arrays of Ni nanowire/multiwalled carbon nanotube/amorphous carbon nanotube heterojunctions containing Schottky contacts, Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 90, 033114
8. Z. P. Huang, J. Zhu*, Growth and enhanced emission of silicon-germanium hemisphere shell arrays, Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 91, 013108.
7. Z. P. Huang, H. Fang, J. Zhu* Fabrication of silicon nanowire arrays with controlled diameter, length, and density, Advanced Materials, 2007, 19, 744-748.
6. J. Luo, Y. J. Xing, J. Zhu* D. P. Yu, Y. G. Zhao, L. Zhang, H. Fang, Z. P. Huang, J. Xu, Structure and electrical properties of Ni nanowire/multiwalled-carbon nanotube/amorphous carbon nanotube fleterojunctions, Advanced Functional Materials, 2006, 16, 1081-1085.
5. Z. P. Huang, Y. Wu, H. Fang, N. Deng, T. L. Ren, J. Zhu* Large-scale Si1-xGex quantum dot arrays fabricated by templated catalytic etching, Nanotechnology, 2006, 17, 1476-1480.
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1. W. X. Sun, Z. P. Huang, L. Zhang, J. Zhu* Luminescence from multi-walled carbon nanotubes and the Eu(III)/multi-walled carbon nanotube composite, Carbon, 2003, 41, 1685-1687.