


Title:Tuneable Low Molecular Weight Hydrogels

Speaker:Prof. Dave Adams, University of Liverpool



Low molecular weight gelators (LMWG) form gels by the self-assembly of the LMWG into long fibres. These fibres entangle and, at a suitable concentration, lead to the network that gives rise to the solid-like properties of the gels. Many LMWG exist, with very different molecular structures. Paradoxically, it is also clear that slight changes in molecular structure can result in a LMWG becoming a non-gelator. Linking the molecular structure to the mechanical properties of the gels is difficult. One reason for this is that it is becoming increasingly clear that the method of assembly is a critical parameter in determining the properties of the gel. The self-assembly for LMWG can be induced by a variety of stimuli including pH, temperature and solvent polarity. Each of these methods can lead to a different self-assembly pathway. He joined the University of Liverpool in 2008 with current research interests including the synthesis and self-assembly of polymers and peptides. Here, we describe the formation of hydrogels from dipeptide-based LMWG. Depending on the assembly process, gels can be prepared which have widely differing properties. We will show how the properties of the gels can be controlled and discuss bimolecular encapsulation and energy applications. He has published more than 80 papers, such as Nature, J. Am. Chem. Soc.and Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.


1. T. Hasell, S.Y. Chong, K.E. Jelfs, D.J. Adams and A.I. Cooper, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 588-598.

2. K.E. Jelfs, X. Wu, M. Schmidtmann, J.T.A. Jones, J.E. Warren, D. J. Adams and A.I. Cooper, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 10653-10656.

3. J.T.A. Jones, T. Hasell, X. Wu, J. Bacsa, K.E. Jelfs, M. Schmidtmann, S.Y. Chong, D.J. Adams, A. Trewin, F. Schiffmann, F. Cora, B. Slater, A. Steiner, G.M. Day and A.I. Cooper. Nature, 2011, 474, 367-371

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