
2015年4月24日:报告人: Prof. Yinfa Ma,Missouri University of Science and Technology



报告题目: Urinary biomarker discovery for early cancer diagnosis: past, current and future prospective

报告人: Prof. Yinfa Ma, Department of Chemistry, Missouri University of Science and Technology

报告时间:2015年4月24日(星期五)10:00-11:00 AM


报告摘要:Cancer is the second leading cause of death and is continue to arise. Early diagnosis and treatment of cancer can greatly improve the patient’s chances of survival. Therefore, investigation of effective cancer biomarkers is a popular area of study in clinical and cancer researches, because it can potentially lead to early cancer screening and may provide useful information on cancer type and the disease’s stage of progression. We have conducted biomarker discovery for many years and various potential cancer biomarkers in urine samples have been identified and several analytical techniques to separate and quantify these potential cancer biomarkers have been established. At this presentation, the past history, the current status, and the future prospective of cancer biomarker discovery will be addressed. The major challenges we are facing on cancer biomarker discovery will also be addressed.

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