报告题目:X-ray diffraction analysis of quadruplex nucleic acids
报 告 人:Carla Bazzicalupi (Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy)
报告时间:2016年1月25日 上午10:00-11:30
报告人简介:Carla Bazzicalupi was born on 22 December 1967. She received her Ph.D. degree in chemical science, Florence, Italy, in 1996. She also received a degree in chemistry, Florence, Italy, in 1992. Since November 2001, she has been a Researcher at the University of Florence. Her research interests include characterization of newly synthesized macrocyclic molecules and of their binding behaviour toward both metal cations and organic and inorganic anions. Her interest has been focused on macrocycles and/or their metal complexes as models for nucleases, phosphodiesterases, and other metalloenzymes. This is particularly evident in the interaction studies with the DNA, which Carla Bazzicalupi has recently concentrated on. An interesting development is the study of the interaction of both synthetic and natural ligands with telomeric DNA showing G-quadruplex folding, which is mainly carried out via the structural resolution from single crystal X-ray diffraction, and used molecular modellingtechniques, based both on empirical force-fields and on quantum-mechanicalmethods, as well on mixed QM/MM techniques. She is author of over 140 papers that have been published on International Journals,such as Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, Nucleic Acids Reserach, Chemical Communications, Inorganic Chemsitry, et.al.
