(12月16日)Publishing With Wiley
报告题目:Pbulishing With Wiley
报 告 人:沈睦贤 博士(Associate Editor, Wiley Materials Science Journals)
邀 请 人:赵国华 教授

Dr. Muxian Shen (沈睦贤)
Associate Editor, Wiley Materials Science Journals
Advanced Energy Materials
Advanced Functional Materials
Advanced Optical Materials
Advanced Engineering Materials
Small Methods
Muxian Shen obtained her B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering at East China University of Science and Technology. After receiving her Ph.D. degree in Material Science at the same university, she joined Nature Research Group as the first Editorial Assistant forNature Communications,Nature MaterialsandNature Energybased in Asia in 2015, and was promoted to Senior Editorial Assistant forNature Communicationsin 2016. With spending 3 years at Springer Nature, she joined Wiley in 2018 as an Assistant Editor forAdvanced Energy Materials,Advanced Functional Materials,Advanced Materials Technology,Advanced Engineering Materials,Small Methods. Soon afterwards, in 2019, she was promoted to Associate Editor forAdvanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials,Advanced Optical Materials,Advanced Engineering Materials,Small Methods. Muxian is based in Wiley Shanghai office.